Reports14 days ago
Survey: Growing number of Italians dissatisfied with EU
A new survey shows an increasing number of Italians are profoundly dissatisfied with the EU and the European institutions.
Survey: Growing number of Italians dissatisfied with EU
IN-DEPTH19 days ago
Islamophobia in Italy
A newly-published book 'War on Mosques' reveals the discrimination faced by Islamic communities in Italy regarding their right to freely practice their religion, a right guaranteed under the Italian Constitution.
Islamophobia in Italy
Reports20 days ago
Book denounces war on mosques in Italy
A recently released book condemns the challenges faced in building mosques in Italy amid growing hostility toward Islam.
Book denounces war on mosques in Italy
EU28 days ago
Italy: West risking WWIII by arming Ukraine amid invasion of Russia
Prime Minister Matteo Salvini says sending weapons to strike and kill in Russia would be "the antechamber of a dramatic world conflict.”
Italy: West risking WWIII by arming Ukraine amid invasion of Russia
Politicsone month ago
‘Tehran backs Gaza truce efforts, but reserves right to retaliate against Israel’
Iran’s acting Foreign Minister says the Islamic Republic reserves the right to retaliate against Israel for violation of its sovereignty.
‘Tehran backs Gaza truce efforts, but reserves right to retaliate against Israel’
News Headlinesone month ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, July 29,2024
Press TV's news headlines
Syriaone month ago
Italy appoints ambassador to Syria as Europe races for engagement with Damascus
The Italian government has resumed its diplomatic relations with Syria by appointing an ambassador to the Arab country as more European countries race to amend their ties with Damascus after a decade-long hiatus.
Italy appoints ambassador to Syria as Europe races for engagement with Damascus
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