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Survey: Gen Z Brits want dictatorship as faith in liberal-democracy weakens

A recent survey has shown that among British people aged between 13 and 27.52% believe Britain “would be a better place if a strong leader was in charge who does not have to bother with parliament and elections”

The study, commissioned by the state-owned Channel 4, showed more than a third of the British youth want their country to be ruled by the military.

47% of British Gen Z also want a revolution in their country to change “the entire way [British] society is organized”.

The study has also revealed a similar anti-establishment trend in cultural attitudes.

42% of young British men seem to support anti-feminist influencer Andrew Tate, and 45% believed that the country suffered from discrimination against men.

Britain is not the only country seeing a growing lack of faith in liberal democracy.

An International survey conducted by the US News & World Report has shown that among respondents in Italy, South Korea and the US, respectively 47%, 49% and 57% agreed with having a leader with “total, unchecked authority”.

The anti-democracy trend among British youth has appeared even though exporting liberal democracy has been one of the main foreign policy goals of the UK.

In the past few decades, the British government has participated in multiple invasions and regime-change operations with the stated purpose of bringing democracy to foreign states.

Some of these interventions include the invasion of Iraq, the bombing of Libya, and supporting militants in Syria.

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