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Soros company 'Good Information, Inc.' reeks of Orwellian doublespeak: Analyst

Jewish American billionaire George Soros

Jewish American billionaire George Soros is an overt operative of the globalist one-world government who specializes in instigating social unrest in the US and political unrest abroad, American writer and political commentator Walt Peretto says.

Peretto said in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday that Soros’s new company, "Good Information, Inc.," reeks of Orwellian doublespeak.

According to reports, Soros is bankrolling a brand new media company called “Good Information, Inc.,” whose stated function is to “counter disinformation and increase the flow of good information online.”  The company was launched last week. 

Peretto said, “Soros is an overt operative of the globalist one-world government agenda who specializes as a conduit for funneling money from global elite sources to politicians and their campaigns and Democratic Party causes while instigating social unrest in the US and political unrest abroad.”

“Soros has directly funded almost 200 organizations including ‘Open Society Foundations.’ and ‘Media Matters.’ Now Soros has increased his influence in the media by bankrolling ‘Good Information, Inc.,’ whose stated function is to ‘counter disinformation and increase the flow of good information online.’ Overtly, ‘Good information, Inc.’ which opened for business on October 26, aims to counter right-wing and Republican ‘disinformation. Covertly, this new Soros project will just be another vehicle to promulgate official government narratives that often fly in the face of facts and reality,” the analyst stated.

“Billionaires have owned and manipulated the mainstream media for many decades. Almost all of these media outlets have been concentrated into six corporations that all share the globalist one-world government agenda,” he stated.

“In recent years big-tech corporations, organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and big-pharma have teamed up to censor alternative sources of news, information, and analysis that are based on evidence and provable facts rather than the globalist agendas via contrived narratives,” he noted.

Big tech companies ‘utilizing thought-police algorithms’

“Big tech companies such as Facebook (now Meta), Twitter, and platforms like YouTube have engaged in pogroms of censorship and suppression of free speech by utilizing thought-police algorithms and so-called ‘fact-checkers.’ In the last year and a half, much of this censorship has aggressively targeted any challenge to the official Covid-19 and vaccination narratives, as well as so-called ‘hate speech’ which can be triggered by algorithms for merely combining the ‘wrong’ set of words. These actions often result in temporary or permanently restricted user accounts,” he said.

“Big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter have been utilizing the excuse that they are private companies and can make their own rules concerning public use of their products. In reality, these companies are under intense pressure from globalist manipulators via organizations like the ADL, the intelligence community, pharmaceutical giants, and various other forums and foundations, to develop methods of censorship and the suppression of free speech online,” he said.  

“The short history of the internet has facilitated the flow of freely expressed evidence-based information that is beyond official government oversight. The number of consumers of this ‘alternative’ media has grown but remains limited. This is because a large percentage of people still trust and rely upon official mainstream media for their news of the world,” he said.

“People of this mentality routinely dismiss alternative sources as ‘conspiratorial’ --- a word derived from ‘conspiracy theory,’ a term popularized by the CIA starting in 1967 when they sent a memo to all major media outlets urging them to employ the term as much as possible to dismiss any alternative inquiry into the JFK assassination and its official ‘findings’ by the Warren Commission. This memo is entitled ‘CIA Document 1035-960’ and is declassified and is easily accessible on the internet,” he noted.  

“Six years later in 1973, internet technologies were first employed for military use and then years later introduced to the general public to facilitate economic activities as more nefarious uses were introduced. It was not designed for the common person to communicate evidence-based news and information that challenges official government narratives. But people have taken it upon themselves over the last 30 years to create alternative media based on independent and objective investigation and analysis rather than official social agendas. Soros’ new company is designed to attract left-leaning voters by overtly attacking Republican Party ‘disinformation’ and replacing it with Democratic Party disinformation,” he said.

The globalist elite seeks to transform the internet

“Beyond the psyop of the contrived left/right paradigm, it is the desire of the globalist elite to transform the internet. They want to steer it away from free speech forums and towards the deployment of digital currencies, digital passports, meta technologies, and more effective methods of surveillance and control, all while re-monopolizing official news and information. Some even envision the replacement of the current internet with a new system that can only be accessed with a government license so that all users are instantly identified and all their actions monitored. This goal may be pushed into reality by false flag ‘interruptions’ of internet service under the guise of criminal cyber-security breaches. The government will say these actions are necessary to keep your online activities ‘safe and secure,’” he said.

'Totalitarian dystopia' emerges

“Despite all their lies and deceit, it seems that the mainstream media will always retain an audience since many people feel the need to trust official sources. But for those who seek evidence-based information, the flow of truth and facts are being disrupted and it’s becoming a game of cat and mouse to dodge the thought-police censors and programmed algorithms in this emerging totalitarian dystopia,” he said.  

“George Soros’s latest 'investment adds another media outlet to the growing list of disinformation specialists driving the globalist agenda. It will be another tool to control information and craft it for public consumption in a manner they see fit. It’s ironic that this new Soros venture is called ‘Good Information, Inc.’ which reeks of Orwellian doublespeak,” he concluded.

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