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JCPOA revival talks

The European Union’s foreign policy chief says talks to revive the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal are intense and slow. Joseph Borrell said the EU is working on what he calls a non-stop basis to revive the accord in all its aspects. His comments came as the remaining signatories to the international agreement are set to meet in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on Saturday for the sixth round of talks. According to the diplomats participating in the talks, disagreements persist about a few key issues. The negotiations are being held on a possible US return to the deal, also known as the JCPOA, and the complete removal of sanctions against Iran.

UK-EU trade row

Britain says it keeps all options on the table in dealing with a post-Brexit trade row with the European Union over Northern Ireland. A spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson said time is running out to find a way through. Britain is demanding flexibility from the European Union over Northern Ireland. But the bloc is angry at the UK over what it sees as unilateral actions. The row has threatened the 1998 peace deal between the UK and Northern Ireland that ended three decades of bloodshed. US President Joe Biden, who is in Britain, has expressed concerns over the row, with the White House noting the president has rock solid belief in the peace deal.

Greece protest

Thousands of protesters have gathered outside the Greek parliament in the capital, Athens, to voice their anger at a controversial labor bill. The demonstration was spearheaded by the country’s largest trade unions. It was part of a 24-hour strike against the proposed reforms. The industrial action caused heavy traffic and disruption to public transport in the city. The protesters believe the government is seeking to change the 8-hour, 5-day working week. They believe the matter would allow employers to force workers to accept longer hours and, at the same time, refuse to pay overtime. The bill would also put restrictions on joining strikes. The proposed legislation is being debated on the parliament floor and is expected to pass next week.

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