Politics21 days ago
Pezeshkian: Iran’s policy is peace but to change tack under pressure
President Pezeshkian says Iran's principled policy is to foster peace and friendship, avoid tensions and conflicts, and interact with world countries.
Pezeshkian: Iran’s policy is peace but to change tack under pressure
Politics26 days ago
Iran’s FM stresses ‘full coordination’ with armed forces to respond to Israel
Iran’s Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi stresses full coordination between the country’s diplomatic and military bodies as the Islamic Republic prepares for a retaliatory action against the Israeli assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh.
Iran’s FM stresses ‘full coordination’ with armed forces to respond to Israel
Politics28 days ago
FM: Iran aims to manage US tensions, rebuild EU ties if they drop hostility, lift sanctions
Araqchi announces Iran’s willingness to manage tensions with the US and restore relations with European countries if they stop their hostility.
FM: Iran aims to manage US tensions, rebuild EU ties if they drop hostility, lift sanctions
Politics29 days ago
Abbas Araghchi: Iran’s new foreign minister and his pragmatic diplomacy
Abbas Araghchi, the new foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is a seasoned and serious diplomat with an extensive background spanning several decades.
Abbas Araghchi: Iran’s new foreign minister and his pragmatic diplomacy
News Headlines2 months ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, July 21,2024
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Politics2 months ago
US an obstacle to solving global issues: Tehran
Iran’s interim foreign minister says the US's failed unilateral approach to international issues shows that Washington is not part of the solution, but an obstacle in the path of peace.
US an obstacle to solving global issues: Tehran
News Headlines2 months ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, July 15, 2024
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