Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, January 6, 2018 to 08:00 GMT, January 7, 2018:

Yemen Diphtheria outbreak

The World Health Organization is warning of more deaths of Yemeni children due to an outbreak of diphtheria. A team from Press TV has visited one of the country’s worst-hit areas, Hudaydah. The region is struggling to contain cholera and now diphtheria outbreak but with a population of more than 3 million, it has only one functioning hospital. 

The Arab League and Palestine

The Arab league says it seeks international recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as Palestine’s capital.

The announcement came in a joint news conference following a meeting in the Jordanian capital. Senior diplomats from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, the UAE, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority joined the talks in Amman. The session discussed the US President’s declaration of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital. Donald Trump's decision about the status of the holy city has sparked strong criticism among Arab states and the international community. 

Brexit fears 

New figures have shown more than 23-hundred European academics working in the UK resigned in the course of the year 2017 over fears of post-Brexit working conditions.

The number of academics who quit their positions in British universities in 2017 has increased by 19 per cent compared to that of before the referendum in June 2016. The country’s British Academy reported that the world-renowned Oxford University has been hit by the highest number of resignations. Campaigners for non-British citizens pointed out that some European Union academics feel personally insulted by the UK government’s sluggishness. In a 2016 referendum, Britons voted to leave the EU. Negotiations for reaching an exit deal are under way between London and Brussels.

Trump's North Korea overture

The US president says he will be “absolutely” willing to talk on the phone with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Donald Trump made the remarks at the presidential retreat at Camp David in Maryland. Trump and Kim have exchanged insults ever since the US president took office. Earlier this week Trump dismissed Kim's taunt that the North Korean leader has a nuclear button on his desk, saying he has a bigger button. North Korea agreed on Friday to hold official talks with South Korea next week. The talks between Pyongyang and Seoul are expected to cover the Winter Olympics, to be held in South Korea next month, and inter-Korean relations.

US cold snap

Freezing temperatures and snowstorm in the US East Coast and Canada have made life difficult for more than 100 million people.

In Canada, high winds have knocked out power for tens of thousands of residents in Nova Scotia province. A winter storm strengthened at an astonishing rate to become a “bomb cyclone”, dumping 45 centimeters of snow on parts of the US. The two cities of New York and Philadelphia suffered a minus thirteen Celsius cold on Saturday. In Mount Washington, freezing winds at more than 140 kilometer per hour caused a massive temperature drop. Elsewhere in Massachusetts a three-foot tidal surge was recorded as the highest in nearly a century.

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