Politics3 months ago
Iran: Humanitarian exemptions for sanctions 'a hypocritical term'
An Iranian deputy foreign minister dismisses the humanitarian exemption for sanctions as a fake and hypocritical term invented by the US and its Western allies.
Iran: Humanitarian exemptions for sanctions 'a hypocritical term'
News Headlines3 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, June 07,2024
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News Headlines3 months ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on June 4, 2024.
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Palestine7 months ago
US casts third veto of UN resolution for Gaza ceasefire since start of war
Washington has already supplied the Israeli regime with more than 10,000 tons of military equipment.
US casts third veto of UN resolution for Gaza ceasefire since start of war
Politicsone year ago
Iran has no pre-conditions for prisoner exchange: FM
Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian says the Islamic Republic sets no pre-condition for prisoner exchange with other countries.
Iran has no pre-conditions for prisoner exchange: FM
Sudanone year ago
UN warns of Sudan's catastrophic humanitarian situation
UN officials raise the alarm about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Sudan.
UN warns of Sudan's catastrophic humanitarian situation
News Headlinesone year ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, May 25, 2023
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