Armed Forces
InfoClips5 months ago
Leader commends Iranian Armed Forces for military prowess in Operation True Promise
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has commended the Iranian Armed Forces for showcasing strength and military prowess following Operation True Promise.
Leader commends Iranian Armed Forces for military prowess in Operation True Promise
News Headlines5 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 11:00 GMT, on April 21, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Defense5 months ago
Armed Forces warn Israel, Western supporters against crossing Iran's red lines
Spokesman of Iranian Armed Forces warns Israel and its Western supporters against crossing Iran's red lines.
Armed Forces warn Israel, Western supporters against crossing Iran's red lines
Defense5 months ago
Armed Forces vow to safeguard Iran's security, independence
Iran's Armed Forces say they will spare no efforts to realize the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and safeguard national security and independence.
Armed Forces vow to safeguard Iran's security, independence
Reports9 months ago
Yemeni drones again target Umm Rashrash port in occupied Palestine
The Yemeni Armed Forces have launched a fresh drone attack targeting sensitive Israeli targets in south of the occupied Palestine.
Yemeni drones again target Umm Rashrash port in occupied Palestine
Defense10 months ago
Iran Army chief: Enemies lined up in crosshairs; Air Force’s readiness ‘unprecedented’
The chief commander of the Iranian Army says the country’s Armed Forces are powerful enough to stand up against any enemy and deal heavy blows to them.
Iran Army chief: Enemies lined up in crosshairs; Air Force’s readiness ‘unprecedented’
Defenseone year ago
Iranian Armed Forces have finger on trigger to foil enemy plots: Top General
Iran’s highest-ranking military commander warns that his forces are ready to act in the face of the enemies by keeping their hands on the trigger and eyes on radars.
Iranian Armed Forces have finger on trigger to foil enemy plots: Top General
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