Politics11 months ago
Blood of thousands of Americans, Iraqis stains Sen. Feinstein’s soul: Ex-US official
An analyst says the blood of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis stain the soul of US Senator Dianne Feinstein, because she was aware that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction and yet authorized the war.
Blood of thousands of Americans, Iraqis stains Sen. Feinstein’s soul: Ex-US official
Foreign Policyone year ago
US may intensify Ukraine conflict during 2024 vote: Russian MP
A senior Russian lawmaker warns that Americans may intensify the war in Ukraine during the 2024 US presidential election.
US may intensify Ukraine conflict during 2024 vote: Russian MP
Foreign Policyone year ago
US senator blasts Ukraine's Zelensky over NATO demands
US senator rebukes “ungrateful” Ukrainian president over Kiev’s NATO demands.
US senator blasts Ukraine's Zelensky over NATO demands
Moreone year ago
Australian senator expelled from party over sexual misconduct
Senator David Van from Australia's Liberal Party has been expelled from the party after two female lawmakers accused him of sexually harassing them.
Australian senator expelled from party over sexual misconduct
Foreign Policyone year ago
Lindsey Graham under fire for cheering death of Russian soldiers
US Senator Lindsey Graham is under attack for shocking remarks targeting Russia.
Lindsey Graham under fire for cheering death of Russian soldiers
Saudi Arabiaone year ago
US senators push Biden to prepare report on Saudi human rights record
US senators have introduced a resolution that could force the Biden administration to critically appraise Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and possibly reassess Washington's security assistance for the kingdom.
US senators push Biden to prepare report on Saudi human rights record
Foreign Policyone year ago
US senators call for more sanctions against Russia, allies
US senators mount pressure on the Biden administration for more sanctions against Russia and its allies over the Ukraine war.
US senators call for more sanctions against Russia, allies
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