Islamic Revolution
Iran19 days ago
Iranian Weapon: Seas of Sovereignty - Part I
After the Islamic Revolution, Iran shifted from dependence on US arms to self-sufficiency in its military capabilities, leading to the construction of indigenous warships like the Jamaran destroyer and the Ghadir submarine.
Iranian Weapon: Seas of Sovereignty - Part I
Palestineone month ago
The beautiful bond Haniyeh shared with Iran and Leader of the Islamic Revolution
The relationship between Ismail Haniyeh and the Islamic Republic of Iran spanned decades and reached its climax with his martyrdom in the Iranian capital.
The beautiful bond Haniyeh shared with Iran and Leader of the Islamic Revolution
News Headlines2 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, July 03,2024
Press TV's news headlines
Politics3 months ago
Profile: Saeed Jalili, Ex-Nuclear Negotiator, Security Body Chief
Saeed Jalili, a former nuclear negotiator, security official, diplomat and a veteran politician, is among the six candidates running for Iran’s presidency.
Profile: Saeed Jalili, Ex-Nuclear Negotiator, Security Body Chief
Politics3 months ago
Profile: Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Parliament Speaker
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, a former Iranian parliament speaker and one of the country’s leading political figures, is among the six candidates running for Iran’s presidency.
Profile: Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Parliament Speaker
Politics3 months ago
IRGC forces nab counter-revolutionary agent in northwestern Iran
IRGC intelligence forces have arrested a counter-revolutionary agent in the northwestern Iranian province of Ardabil.
IRGC forces nab counter-revolutionary agent in northwestern Iran
Conversations3 months ago
Letter by Iran's Leader serves as encouragement for American students: Analyst
The letter by Leader of the Islamic Revolution serves as encouragement for US students and is a reminder of the horrors of Zionist occupation, says a Canada-based analyst.
Letter by Iran's Leader serves as encouragement for American students: Analyst
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