Russia2 years ago
Minister: Russian gas embargo ‘poison’ for German society
A German official warns against Russian gas embargo, describing it as "poison" to the country's labor society.
Minister: Russian gas embargo ‘poison’ for German society
News Headlines2 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, April 25, 2022
Press TV's news headlines
Russia2 years ago
Divisions rife as EU mulls ban on imports of Russian oil
The European Union is drafting proposals to impose a ban on the import of Russian oil, the top diplomats of Ireland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands have declared despite no consensus on the issue by member nations.
Divisions rife as EU mulls ban on imports of Russian oil
Foreign Policy2 years ago
Ukraine, Russia agree to create eight humanitarian corridors, excluding Mariupol
European Union leaders decide to come together this week to consider imposing tougher sanctions on Russia, including an oil embargo, amid a simmering crisis in Ukraine.
Ukraine, Russia agree to create eight humanitarian corridors, excluding Mariupol
Saudi Arabia3 years ago
Qatar’s emir appoints ambassador to Saudi Arabia
Qatar's emir names an ambassador to Saudi Arabia after four years of dispute.
Qatar’s emir appoints ambassador to Saudi Arabia
China3 years ago
China urges US to end embargo on Cuba
China calls on the United States to immediately and fully lift its sanctions and decades-long embargo against Cuba, and to stop making excuses to interfere in and destabilize the small Caribbean island.
China urges US to end embargo on Cuba
Politics3 years ago
Iran slams US sanctions as UN adopts resolution against Cuba embargo
Iran’s deputy envoy to the UN warns of the adverse effects that unilateral US sanctions have on international peace as the General Assembly adopts a resolution against the nearly 60-year-old US economic embargo on Cuba.
Iran slams US sanctions as UN adopts resolution against Cuba embargo
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