News Headlines4 days ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 01:00 GMT on September 15, 2024.
 Press TV's news headlines
ISRAEL WATCH5 days ago
The Bibi Files and Smotrich
This episode of the Israel Watch discusses highlights of Hebrew media on 'The Bibi Files'.
The Bibi Files and Smotrich
Palestine10 days ago
Former PM Ehud Barak says ‘Israel closer to defeat in Gaza’
The regime's former prime minister Ehud Barak says Israel is closer to defeat in Gaza.
Former PM Ehud Barak says ‘Israel closer to defeat in Gaza’
ISRAEL WATCH13 days ago
Keeping Philadelphi corridor
The rapid developments in the occupying entity on political and military fronts, particularly Netanyahu's insistence on occupying the Philadelphia Corridor.
Keeping Philadelphi corridor
Politics14 days ago
Iran embassy blasts Netanyahu's map showing Palestine as part of Israel
The Iranian Embassy in London strongly condemns the Israeli prime minister over obliterating the West Bank during an address to the media about the importance of the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt.
Iran embassy blasts Netanyahu's map showing Palestine as part of Israel
News Headlines14 days ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on September 5, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine15 days ago
Arab states blast Netanyahu's claims of Egyptian arms smuggling into Gaza
Several Arab countries have strongly rejected Netanyahu's allegations that weapons are being smuggled to Hamas through the Egyptian border.
Arab states blast Netanyahu's claims of Egyptian arms smuggling into Gaza
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