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Trump shatters US alliances, could South Korea be next?

US President Donald Trump (file photo)

A week ago when US President Donald Trump harshly criticized a vulnerable ally at the White House, he shattered the trust in America's alliances.

For many South Koreans, their once ironclad alliance with the US now feels strained and diminished.

South Korea has trusted the United States so far, but I think that trust may be eroding because of President Trump's unconventional words and actions.

Member of Public 01

I don't trust him. Because Donald Trump has a business mind, he can change at any time, depending on his interests.

Member of Public 02

Still, South Koreans say they need US Forces Korea, the USFK, to deter threats they feel from the DPRK, Russia and China.

But the presence of US troops here is seen as a necessary evil they wish would go away.

We need the help of the USFK, but ultimately, in terms of independence and autonomy, I think that it would be better if the USFK did not exist at some point.

Member of Public 03

While some South Koreans hope for an end to the alliance and the withdrawal of US troops, experts expect the Democratic Party and the likely next president of South Korea will maintain the Alliance despite the costs.

Many people think that the second Trump term will be of no help to South Korea, because the Lee administration will only pursue the interests of the United States, in particular, in the case of defense cost sharing, they will demand much more from South Korea. That's the reality.

Hwang Yun-Mi, Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea

It is also argued that the US deployment to South Korea is largely to deter a rising China from challenging Washington's eroding position.

US President Donald Trump will no doubt continue to wreak havoc on Washington's relations with the international community, as well as the national security of its allies.

President Trump previously demanded Seoul pay five times more for the deployment of US troops here, so for South Koreans, the time may be approaching when they will say ‘enough is enough’.

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