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US’s anti-Iran claims aimed at covering up Washington’s aggression against Yemen: Envoy

Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations has considered the US’s allegations against the Islamic Republic of supplying arms to Yemen as a smokescreen for Washington’s act of aggression against the Arab Peninsula country.

Amir Saeid Iravani made the remarks in a letter addressed to the UN Security Council on Thursday.

On Monday, Stephanie Sullivan, the US’s deputy envoy to the United Nations, had repeated Washington’s allegations against Tehran of providing arms to Yemen’s popular resistance Ansarullah movement. Sullivan had claimed that the Islamic Republic’s “own state-affiliated media has touted the country’s supply of prohibited ballistic missile technology” to Ansarullah.

Iravani denounced the American diplomat for “deviating from the agenda and once more misusing the Security Council platform to level unfounded allegations against the Islamic Republic on the situation in Yemen.”

“Iran regards these allegations as nothing more than a political agenda by the United States to cover up and legitimize its ongoing acts of aggression against Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he added.

Together with the United Kingdom, the US has been carrying out sporadic airstrikes against Yemen’s western provinces as means of trying to stop Sana’a’s pro-Palestinian operations that have been targeting Israeli ships or the vessels that head towards the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Iranian representative, meanwhile, warned that, by repeating its allegations against the Islamic Republic, the US was “seeking to pressure UN experts to compromise their independent mandate.”

“This destructive approach by the US undermines the credibility of both the Security Council and the reports of UN experts that should be impartial and non-politicized,” Iravani cautioned.

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