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Supremacist Zionist ideology has negatively impacted British politics

An event was held at the university town of Bristol, a crash course in modern Zionism and how to oppose that imperialist ideology, with the speakers encouraging Palestinian Liberation supporters to do more than empathizing.

Standing next to someone and weeping over their remains is not going to stop anything.

If we accept, and we do, that Zionism is a fascistic supremacist ideology, that must always lead to the genocide of a native population, that it is putting itself upon them, we have to, as human beings, resist it.

Lauren Booth, Journalist and Activist

Founded by Austro-Hungarian Theodor Herzl in the late 19th century, the Zionist movement has, for many decades, negatively impacted British politics in many ways, such as, direct support for the Gaza genocide by sending funds to the Israeli occupation force as well as extremist settler groups in the West Bank.

But the second way is less obvious.

The Zionist movement has spent a lot of time over the last 15 to 20 years pushing Islamophobia because it sees that as a tactic to make sure that no one will sympathize with the Palestinians.

Most of the Islamophobic think tanks, in fact all of the Islamophobic think tanks in the UK, the Henry Jackson Society, the Policy Exchange, have been funded directly by Zionist family foundations.

David Miller, Spinwatch

As well as identifying UK based organizations that serve the interests of Zionism, the speakers also proposed ways to dismantle it.

We have to make Islamophobia disappear. We have to make anti-arab racism disappear.

We have to shut down Zionist organizations and we have to also change the conversation by making the focus about Israel's crimes.

This has to always be the focus.

Richard Medhurst, Independent Journalist

It is the kind of focus that the Bristol Palestine Alliance say they have been trying to bring for months now despite attempts to stop them.

We did an event in February which was 'Genocide in Gaza' and we covered Islamophobia, an introduction to what Zionism is, and the weaponization of anti-semitism and we want to do a follow up meeting so people understand how important it is to actually defeat Zionism. And that actually Zionism is the cause of what's happening in Gaza. It's an opinion that we think it's been shut down and silenced.

Hasina Khan, Bristol Palestine Alliance

More than a century since its foundation Zionism remains a strong force in the UK and indeed the world.

The participants at this event say they hope anti-Zionism will grow into a mass movement to rid the UK and the world of that racist ideology once and for all.

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