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Israeli forces kill Egyptian ‘security personnel member’ on Gaza border

Israel says its military has taken control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing. (AFP)

Israeli troops have killed an Egyptian security personnel member during a shooting on the border between Egypt and the besieged Gaza Strip.

Egypt’s military spokesman Colonel Gharib Abdel-Hafez said the Egyptian military is conducting an investigation into the Monday incident.

Israel’s military also acknowledged that a “shooting incident” had occurred. It said the incident had taken place “a few hours ago” and is now under review. “Discussions are being held with the Egyptians.”

Israel seized control of the Rafah border crossing from the Gaza side of the border earlier this month as it stepped up its military offensive in the area, drawing criticism from Egypt.

The relationship between the two sides became tense after Israeli troops moved into an area known as the Philadelphi Corridor and took control of the Rafah crossing.

The Philadelphi Corridor is a 14-kilometer long and 100-meter-wide strip of land running along the border between the besieged Palestinian territory and Egypt.

The latest incident could further complicate the situation.

Even as Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel, it’s actually been refusing, for example, to open its side of the border in protest to Israel taking over the Rafah crossing.

This could also diplomatically complicate things since Egypt is also a mediator in ceasefire talks between Israel and Palestinian resistance groups.

Palestinians continue to endure the US-Israeli genocidal war in the besieged Gaza Strip.

In the most recent aggression, Israel killed more than 50 displaced Palestinians taking refuge in tents and camps in the southern city of Rafah. The regime had claimed the city was a “safe zone.”

The Palestinian Red Crescent expects the death toll to rise given the large number of the injured being sent to partially-functioning hospitals. Many of the wounded are women and children.

Catherine Russell, the executive director of UNICEF, said she is shocked by the images of burning children and families in the overnight Israeli air strike on Rafah.

“There must be an immediate ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages, and an end to the senseless killing of children,” the UN agency’s chief wrote on X.

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