Gaza: The new Nakba

Seventy-six seconds of sirens wailing across the West Bank, marking 76 years of the Nakba or the ‘Catastrophe’. This period saw the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their land by Zionist regime in 1948.

But if anyone thought this was a one-off the situation in Gaza shows an even greater catastrophe with relentless Israeli airstrikes, killing scores of Palestinian across the coastal enclave in a single day.

Israeli forces are pushing deeper into Gaza’s north and south in some of the most intense fightings in weeks, forcing half million Palestinians to flee from Rafah in just a week.

The parallels between the 1948 Nakba and this new version continues as the US and UK backs the colonial project in the region with Washington pledging to send $1 billion worth of weapons pending congressional approval.

Not simply content with their role in the forcible expulsion of 750,000 in the first wave, this new wave of de-population through terrorism and genocide continues.

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