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Stephen Lendman: Results of US presidential election are 'dubious at best'

The presidential inaugural platform is under construction in front of the US Capitol as part of the West Front lawn is closed to the public November 9, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

By Stephen Lendman

The results of the US presidential election held on November 3 are dubious at best. I have written a great deal about them. I'll continue writing about them.

On the one hand, they are being challenged by Trump. I disagree with both everything he does and says, but I agree with him on this. There is hard evidence of voter fraud, not a little bit of voter fraud, a great deal of voter fraud, that's one issue.

And the idea of whether a new incoming government will operate differently from an outgoing one on relations with nations who are independent of US control is virtually nil.

Biden has made very hostile comments in the past about various countries. In an article I'm working on now, they include Venezuela. I call Nicolas Maduro a model Democrat, but Biden called -- and this was last June -- Biden called him a "dictator".

Well, there may be dictators in the US in the West, but there are no dictators in Venezuela, non in Cuba, none in Iran, none in Russia, and on and on - all the countries on the US target list for regime change, and they aren't dictators. “Illegitimate” governments are at war with anybody. The US is at war with everybody it doesn't control, either by hot or other means.

The possibility of improved relations with sovereign independent countries the US does not control if Biden replaces Trump in January is virtually nil. It will not happen. It should happen, but it will not. Policies will stay the same.

'Independent nations will be targeted for regime change under Biden' 

As imperialism, US policy throughout the post-World War Two era is imperialism against nations it doesn't control to gain control over them by whatever means it takes wars by hot means, by other means, by sanctions, anything it takes. The rule of law is irrelevant. The US doesn't care about the rule of law. The US wants to dominate other nations, their resources, and populations by hardwired US policy. It will be the same under Biden as it is under Trump, as it was under Obama, as it was under the Bush-Cheney, as it was under the Clintons, they'll be exactly the same.

These nations will be targeted for regime change, and my great fear about Biden is, he may start another hot war. That's one thing Trump did not do but Biden may do it. That's what I fear the most. He won't be making the decisions because he's cognitively and physically impaired, but others he'll put in his regime, they are the ones who will be calling the shots, and they may call shots for more wars, just the way Obama did. Biden was part of that. For eight years, he may continue a policy that's very similar. One difference was joining the JCPOA by Obama.

Biden won't go back to it unless Iran renegotiates, which Iran will not, nor should it. So the US may not re-enter the plan, but that's for another day. We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, US elections being disputed. It's being litigated in courts. Serious litigation again today, Monday, but it could go on for days or weeks, we'll see what happens. We don't know the outcome. The chance is slim for Trump to remain in office, but anything is possible.

Stephen Lendman, born in 1934 in Boston, started writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient.

He recorded this article for Press TV website.

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