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CIA’s Operation Ajax of 1953 and Iran-US relations

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Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh

By Mark Dankof

The 1953 coup, referred to in the CIA jargon Operation Ajax that took place in August of 1953, which overthrew the Mossadegh government in Iran and installed, of course, Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi was provably a CIA-MI6 operation.

This latest report in The Guardian is quite fascinating because it gives us some additional information in terms of the statements made by Norman Darbyshire, who was apparently in MI6 agents in the middle of this whole thing. But the general outline of this plot and what happened was clearly articulated in a couple of places already.

Stephen Kinzer's book All the Shah's Men goes into many of the details of this. Also, my old friends at the American Free Press came out some years ago with a book on this subject, which was basically the taking of all of these materials that the CIA had on Operation Ajax from the George Washington University National Security Archive in Washington DC and publishing these. That compendium is still available from the American Free Press as far as I know, and it gets into a lot of the details on this, that I'm not aware have been published anywhere else.

In regard to what really went on then and what really was lodged both by Churchill and of course by Dwight Eisenhower, which obviously was designed to secure the British interest in avoiding a nationalization of the oil industry in Iran. It was also a situation where the United States became more directly involved in that country in a nefarious kind of way. In regard to their participation in a coup d'etat was not only overthrew the legitimate government of that country but it's widely known that the 1953 Operation Ajax became a primer for CIA operations overthrowing governments around the world from that time on forward, including what happened the following year 1954 and Guatemala with the Arbenz regime at the behest of the United Fruit Company.

 So this is a situation that has impacted the American relationship with nations in the Middle East specifically Iran. It's also had an impact on the relationship between the United States and governments in South America and elsewhere where basically despite the rhetoric of democracy and supporting the notion of free selection of governments on the part of the indigenous peoples, it's clear that the CIA and the MI6 are  two of the organizations that have basically been working hand in glove with central banking, hand in glove with the Israeli Mossad intelligence organization, and hand in glove with multinational corporate interests who have a vested concern in controlling who runs specific governments in the world, controlling their national resources and making sure that they remain a part of the Western banking system which was more intricately developed after the end of the Second World War, with a so-called Bretton Woods agreement.

So all of this is involved but nonetheless, it poisoned American relationships with Iranians, for many, many years following 1953. It led directly to the coup d'etat in 1978-79 in Iran. And there obviously has poisoned the American relationship with the Iranian government and the Iranian people. Ever since 1979, because the United States has continued to undertake this Neocon Zionist foreign policy in all the years since which is designed to overthrow the current regime in that country into an installed one that is to the liking of the United States and the Israelis and the central bankers.

So this is where we are all these many, many years later, and 67 years after Operation Ajax in 1953 it certainly appeared that the American relationship with Iran is no better, and that it's likely to worsen as the United States continues to do illegal things there, including this terrible assassination of General Soleimani on the third of January, which the President of the United States admits that he freely commissioned.

So when you start dealing with things like this the United States has not only a poisonous situation with Iran and the other nations in the Middle East, who are an opposition to the Zionist policies in that region of the world, but the American relationship with other world governments have greatly suffered as it's become very, very clear about how it is that the United States government conducts business with foreign countries on whose behalf that conducts business in this fashion in the way in which really the American experiment with overthrowing governments and creating a world government under Zionist control really began in earnest with what happened in 1953 in Iran.

So it's a sad state of affairs and this latest information coming out of the Guardian only adds to what we already know.

Mark Dankof, a former US Senate candidate, is a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas. He recorded this article for the Press TV website.

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