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Iran’s solution for the Palestinian question

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US President Donald Trump (L) and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold up a Golan Heights proclamation outside the West Wing after a meeting in the White House March 25, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

The Deal of the Century or the joke of the century or the con! The US has proposed a solution for the plight of the Zionists against the Palestinians and has named it the deal of the century.

It is in fact really an attempt to create the con of the century. It is a very obvious plan designed to con the Palestinians out of any sort of future.

For many years, Americans have always strived to stabilize the Zionist regime and force the Arab countries to cooperate by different plans such as Roadmap, CampDavid, Oslo and others.

In the deal of the century they want to move the Palestinian residents of the West bank and Gaza to a country called Jordan and establish a Palestinian government there by giving them land and equipment. Firstly, the Jordan government is against this idea. On the other hand, the Palestinians don’t agree to leave their land. More importantly, the ideal of Palestine is from the river to the sea; that is from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.

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