Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 1800 GMT, October 25, 2018 to 0800 GMT, October 26, 2018.

Khashoggi murder reaction

The United Nations special rapporteur on extra-judicial execution says Saudi Arabia is responsible for the death of Journalist Jamal Khashoggi whether or not the rulers knew about the crime. Agnes Callamard said Turkey and Saudi Arabia have a responsibility to investigate the killing and prosecute those responsible. However, she added that an international investigation into the incident is necessary to validate and legitimize the results of the probes carried out by Riyadh and Ankara. Meanwhile, the German chancellor has strongly condemned Khashoggi’s murder in a phone conversation with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman. Angela Merkel urged Riyadh to launch a credible investigation and hold the perpetrators accountable. In a separate development, the European Parliament has passed a nonbinding resolution condemning Khashoggi’s murder and urging an EU arms embargo on Saudi Arabia in response.

‘Act of terror’ in US soil

The mayor of the US city of New York describes as terrorism the mailing of suspected pipe bomb packages to high-profile Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump. Bill de Blasio was speaking at a press conference in New York along with law enforcement representatives. Meanwhile, US media say a bomb squad is examining a mail distribution center in the city of Miami in Florida State. Authorities believe several packages containing the bombs were processed there. Former Vice President Joe Biden and actor Robert De Niro on Thursday became the latest intended targets of the bombs. None of the devices went off and no injuries were reported.

US response to refugee caravan

The US administration is planning to send up to one thousand active-duty troops to the border with Mexico to stop a caravan of Central American migrants. US officials said the request was made by the Department of Homeland Security to Pentagon. In a statement, the Pentagon said the specifics of the plan were being worked on. The US president earlier warned that he was bringing out the military to protect US border in the face of the mass expedition. Donald Trump called the situation a national emergency and reiterated that the migrants will be stopped. The domestic deployment of US military, though legally prohibited, is in line with Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy. During his presidential campaign, he also pledged to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.

Iran calls for implementing ICJ order

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations urges the international community to implement an order issued by the International Court of Justice against US sanctions on Tehran. Addressing the UN General Assembly, Gholamali Khoshroo also demanded that states refrain from helping Washington impose inhumane and extrajudicial restrictions on the Islamic Republic. He said Iran filed a lawsuit with the ICJ to protest US violations of international law. Earlier this month, the ICJ ordered the US to ease sanctions it re-imposed on Iran after abandoning the 2015 nuclear deal in May. Judges ruled that the US had to remove any impediments to the export of humanitarian goods, including food, medicine and aviation safety equipment.

Police protest in Portugal

Protesting police forces have faced off against their colleagues in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon. The demonstration started off as a peaceful march but escalated quickly after the protesters attempted to force their way into the parliament building. The off-duty officers had gathered to rally against shortages in police services and lack of career prospects. The demonstration was called by some unions representing Portuguese police. Union leaders say protesters will return to the streets unless their demands are met.

Russia-US nukes treaty

Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, criticizes a US decision to pull out of a key arms control treaty, warning it could spur a new arms race. Lavrov said Russia expects the US to formally withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in a month. But he stressed that Russia will never engage in a full-fledged arms race with the US since it would dramatically undermine the country’s economic potential. Moscow has submitted a draft resolution to the United Nations General Assembly on preserving the INF Treaty. Washington has rejected the resolution, claiming it does not fit into the agenda of the UN Disarmament Commission.

US-bound refugee caravan

Central American immigrants are marching towards the United States despite President Trump’s threats to call up the military to protect US borders. The caravan of thousands of migrants, most of them Hondurans, is now in the Mexican town of Pijijiapan. The town is located some 1,600 kilometers away from the US southern borders. Some migrants rode on trucks, but most of them made the trek to Pijijiapan on foot. Their walk comes as the US administration is planning to send up to one-thousand active-duty troops to the US southern borders to stop the caravan. Donald Trump has called the situation a national emergency and reiterated that the migrants will be stopped.

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