
Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, November 11, 2017 to 08:00 GMT, November 12, 2017.

Saudi siege on Yemen

The United Nations and the European Union say Saudi Arabia’s easing of Yemen blockade is not enough.

The UN office for the coordination of humanitarian aid said Riyadh was still blocking desperately needed aid deliveries. The agency’s spokesman, Russel Geekie called for lifting of the blockade of all Yemen’s ports. The European Union has also urged the Saudis to ensure the immediate resumption of the UN flights and activities in the ports of Hudaydah and Saleef and the opening of borders. On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia reopened the southern port of Aden. The Wadea crossing on the Saudi-Yemeni border was reopened the next day. Saudi Arabia shut down Yemen’s borders on Monday in response to a missile attack on Riyadh’s international airport by Ansarullah forces.

Mass graves in Iraq

A number of mass graves containing at least 400 dead bodies, believed to have been executed by Daesh terrorists, have been found in northern Iraq.

According to regional officials, the mass graves were discovered at a military base near the city of Hawija, some 240 kilometers north of the capital Baghdad. The victims include prisoners as well as civilians. Officials say Daesh terrorists had turned the Iraqi city into an execution ground. Witnesses say Daesh members used to drive their cars around the city with their prisoners. They would shoot them and throw them to the ground and finally burn their bodies. Dozens of mass graves have been found after Iraqi forces, backed by Popular Mobilization Units launched multiple offensives to drive out the terror group from Iraq.

Bloomberg versus Trump 

The former mayor of the US city of New York, Michael Bloomberg, says American people will remain committed to the Paris climate accord, despite President Donald Trump's decision to walk out on the deal. 

Speaking on behalf of a coalition of US cities, states, companies and universities in a climate conference in the German city of Bonn, Bloomberg emphasized that the federal government was not doing enough to help with the reduction of carbon dioxide in the world. The coalition, called America's Pledge, said many states and private entities in the US would continue their efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Back in June, Trump announced his country would leave the 2015 Paris Agreement, claiming that it would undermine the US economy.

Trump's Russia stance

President Donald Trump has expressed confidence in the US intelligence agencies’ conclusions over alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The surprise remarks came only hours after the US president said he believed the words of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the issue. Trump met briefly with Putin at the APEC summit in Vietnam during which the Russian president rejected the accusations of Moscow’s meddling in the US presidential vote. US intelligence chiefs insist that Russia played a role in determining the outcome of the race for the White House. Trump is haunted by an investigation into accusations of his campaign’s collusion with Russia. Former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and campaign aide Rick Gates have already been indicted on Russian-involved financial charges. Trump has rejected the allegations as a hoax.

Hariri's fate 

Lebanon is awaiting the return of its Prime Minister Sa’ad al-Hariri over a week after his controversial resignation while on a visit to Saudi Arabia. Beirut is now calling on Riyadh to explain why it’s preventing Hariri from returning home, accusing the Saudis of kidnapping the Lebanese prime minister.

Australia refugee fiasco

Hundreds of asylum-seekers still refuse to leave an Australian camp in Papua New Guinea, saying they fear hostile reactions from locals.

Around 600 men remain in the Manus detention center after it was closed on October 31 following a PNG Supreme Court ruling that it was unconstitutional. Local officials are dismantling parts of the camp despite international calls and requests made by the refugees to let them stay. Amnesty International and other human rights groups have continually criticized the Australian government for its refugee policies, saying those staying in Manus detention center should not be relocated until their safety is guaranteed. The UN has also described the situation at the center as a looming humanitarian crisis. 

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