Zarif: Turkey, Iran should stand together against terrorism

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif addresses a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart following their meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Ankara on August 12, 2016. (AFP)

These are some of the headlines we are tracking for you in this edition of Press TV's Top 5:

  • Iran and Turkey pledge greater cooperation on resolving the crisis in Syria and fight against terrorism and extremism.
  • Residents fleeing the Syrian city of Manbij say Daesh terrorists have abducted around 2,000 civilians to use them as human shields against Kurdish-Arab fighters.
  • Russia deploys its advanced S400 air defense missile system to Crimea, as Moscow threatens to cut diplomatic ties with Kiev over violence in the region.
  • The UN authorizes the deployment of another 4,000 peacekeeping forces to South Sudan following last month’s deadly fighting between troops loyal to the president and his deputy.
  • The UN human rights office calls on Australia to immediately end the detention and abuse of refugees including children at its offshore camp on Nauru Island.


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