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Riyadh sponsoring al-Qaeda in Syria on behalf of Washington: Analyst

The file photo shows Zahran Alloush, the notorious leader of the so-called Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, the editor of Veterans Today from Madison, to discuss the recent comments by the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir criticizing the killing of Zahran Alloush, the leader of the so-called Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: How was the terrorist Zahran Alloush conducive to peace in Syria?

Barrett: Well, Saudi Arabia is sponsoring all of these various strands of militant Salfist and Takfiri terrorists destabilizing Syria on behalf of the Western bankster Zionist empire. Saudi Arabia is a part of that empire and this destabilization operation against Syria has used a lot of misguided Muslims who have fallen into this trap of accepting this extremist sort of Wahhabi branch of Islam. Alloush was a close ally of the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front and he was not fighting against ISIS (Daesh), he was fighting against the government of Syria. The idea that a close US ally like Saudi Arabia is openly funding a person like Alloush in his Jaysh al-Islam which is really just al-Qaeda with a smiley face painted on it and a bigger pile of openly given Saudi-American funds than some of these groups like ISIS get. This is a bad joke. Then yet we keep hearing from the American leaders that actually al-Qaeda, the Nusra Front are very good guys and Alloush and his Jaysh al-Islam is virtual al-Qaeda essentially has admitted that it is a close ally of al-Qaeda, these are the people that the US is backing in Syria. If the American people ever really learned that al-Qaeda is now the biggest US ally getting open support from the US and from its proxy Saudi Arabia they would be up in arms. So, Saudi Arabia had better be careful when they mourn the passing of this guy and calling him a force for peace the world is increasingly not being fooled by this.

Press TV: If that is the case that Alloush was really helping with this agenda of regime change in Syria then why they killed him?

Barrett: I do not think that anybody in the right mind thinks that Alloush and Jaysh al-Islam was a force for peace. Like I said they were just the smiley face version of the extremist, Salafist and Takfirti forces that are destabilizing Syria and the idea that somehow this guy is going to be part of a transition government, I have never heard something like that. I think Saudi Arabia is essentially just lamenting the fact that they have lost one of their key terrorists.

Press TV: Doesn’t this become a sort of confirmation of where Saudi Arabia and the US’s allies in the region stand when it comes to terrorism and of course these Takfiri groups like Daesh, like al-Qaeda, like Jaysh al-Islam ? Where they stand particularly is quite clear that they are supporting them. So, why isn’t there more outrage about that?

Barrett: I think the American people and the people of the West have been driven into state of fear and confusion by the ceaseless series of public relation stunts starting with the 9/11 inside job that utterly terrorized the American people and caused clinical post-traumatic stress disorder in roughly half of the American population and since then the American people have been unable to think rationally about what they have been told by their government. So, today we have this incredible situation. Our own government in the United States is funding and supporting and creating these al-Qaeda groups and groups that are even more extreme and insane than al-Qaeda like the so-called Islamic State (Daesh). As Ken O’Keef has famously said on Press TV over and over ISIS (Daesh) is us. ISIS stands for the Israeli secret intelligence service but unfortunately the people in the West are unable to do anything about this because of the propaganda that they are getting, these terror stunts that are being brought out to make them think that they are at war with al-Qaeda and ISIS (Daesh), but in fact their governments are working with and through al-Qaeda in the United States. 

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