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US plan for Syria, absolute disgrace: Analyst

Former director of CIA and former commander of US Forces in Afghanistan General David Petraeus. (AFP photo)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Scott Bennett, former US army psychological warfare officer in San Francisco, about former CIA director David Petraeus saying that the United States should set up enclaves inside Syria where militants can be trained, claiming that they will enable the Pentagon to mobilize support for the so-called US-led war on the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.


Press TV: To a great degree, what Petraeus is insisting - setting up these enclaves - is for a program that by a lot of people’s account has been a colossal failure up until now?

Bennett: Well I think a colossal failure is as understatement. I think it is an apocalyptic failure. I think it is an absolute disgrace to the American constitution and to the American way of life that we have allowed such bold-faced liars and corrupt warmongers to have ever let us into this campaign in the Middle East in the first place. It is absolutely tragic and there should be United Nations Criminal Court hearings held to hold the American politicians and military people who have been responsible for their bloodshed to account and that does not even bring into the discussion all of the terrorists and refugees and war victims that are flooding into Europe.

But leaving that aside to comment on the Petraeus issue, let’s start it this way. I think Russia and Iran assuming a leadership position in solving this problem, in fixing these Takfiri Mufsidun Wahhabi Salafi terrorists is the best thing to happen in the Middle East. I think now it is going to be solved in a matter of weeks and for that reason John Allen, the US military envoy of the president, and Petraeus and a lot of the military leaders in the United States are cashing in their cards and they are quitting and they are jumping ship and they are retiring, they are getting out of the fight because they realize that is a checkmate, that is a winning operation for Russia and Iran to draw the line and say we will never abandon Syria because it represents stability in the world.

If Syria goes, then the entire European and Russian territory is threatened and Russia will not allow that and Iran will not allow that and Europe will not allow that, but Petraeus is really given far too much credit and intelligence that he really does not have.

Petraeus is one of the greatest, I think traitors, to this country and to the military because I know personally he was given reports that I submitted when I was working in counter terrorism as a threat finance guy about terrorist funding coming from Swiss banks and Union Bank of Switzerland and HSBC and this was set up to the highest levels of Congress and the military and the Senate and the House and the Intelligence Committee and it was stifled and buried and covered up and the whistleblowers who brought it out were thrown in prison and that happened by Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer and President Obama himself and that is what is at the heart of the ongoing Hillary Clinton UBS State Department email revelations that funny enough only Press TV and RT have had the character to release to the American public. The American media do not even have the character but it is encouraging to see this because I think it is the best thing to happen in the Middle East and Europe for Russia to step in and take control of this fiasco.

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