Israeli forces
Lebanon3 months ago
‘Forgive us’: Heartfelt notes Hezbollah fighters left in south Lebanon homes
After the ceasefire in Lebanon, many people triumphantly returned to their villages in southern Lebanon and were greeted by heartfelt handwritten notes left behind by Hezbollah fighters.
‘Forgive us’: Heartfelt notes Hezbollah fighters left in south Lebanon homes
Palestine3 months ago
Suicides and broken marriages: Israeli soldiers crumble under weight of war trauma
Amid the genocide in Gaza, Israeli soldiers are increasingly reporting psychological distress that has forced many of them to commit suicide and separate from their families.
Suicides and broken marriages: Israeli soldiers crumble under weight of war trauma
Palestine6 months ago
Israeli forces raid several areas across occupied West Bank
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that a 16-year-old Palestinian sustained an injury from live gunfire in the foot.
Israeli forces raid several areas across occupied West Bank
Palestine11 months ago
Report: 950% more Israelis seek psychological help since start of Gaza war
The Israeli Mental Health Association reveals a staggering surge of 950% in the number of Israelis seeking psychological support since the commencement of the war in the Gaza Strip.
Report: 950% more Israelis seek psychological help since start of Gaza war
EUone year ago
Pipe bomb explodes near Israeli embassy in Cyprus
A pipe bomb explosion near the Israeli embassy in Cyprus leaves no casualties.
Pipe bomb explodes near Israeli embassy in Cyprus
Palestineone year ago
UK seeks to block ICJ ruling on Israeli occupation of Palestine: Report
Britain is reportedly trying to stop the ICJ from condemning the Israeli occupation of the West Bank.
UK seeks to block ICJ ruling on Israeli occupation of Palestine: Report
Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces clash with Palestinian resistance fighters near Jenin
Armed clashes erupt between Israeli forces and Palestinian resistance fighters near the northern West Bank city of Jenin.
Israeli forces clash with Palestinian resistance fighters near Jenin
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