Nasser Kan’ani
Politics9 days ago
Iran asserts Persian Gulf islands ‘inseparable’ parts of its territory
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman slams as “repetitive, non-constructive and futile” the recent statement issued by the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council.
Iran asserts Persian Gulf islands ‘inseparable’ parts of its territory
Politics10 days ago
Israel ‘absolute evil’, much closer to defeat than victory: Iran
Iran says the continuation of Israel’s crimes shows that the regime is closer to defeat than victory.
Israel ‘absolute evil’, much closer to defeat than victory: Iran
Politics11 days ago
Iran says it has never been part of Russia-Ukraine war
Iran says it has played no role in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, reiterating its call for dialogue to bring an end to the conflict.
 Iran says it has never been part of Russia-Ukraine war
News Headlines11 days ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 18:00 GMT, September 07,2024
Press TV's news headlines
Politics17 days ago
Iran calls on world to hold Israeli ‘criminal leaders’ accountable
Nasser Kan'ani has called for the Israeli regime’s “criminal leaders” to be held accountable for their crimes committed against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
Iran calls on world to hold Israeli ‘criminal leaders’ accountable
Politics21 days ago
Iran warns against Israel’s plots to expand war across Palestine
The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman warns against Israel’s sinister and racist plots to expand the scale of killing and crimes across Palestine.
Iran warns against Israel’s plots to expand war across Palestine
Politics21 days ago
Iran: MKO terrorists, supporters will fail to achieve 'sinister' objectives
Iran slams the West’s unwavering political and financial support for the MKO terrorist group.
Iran: MKO terrorists, supporters will fail to achieve 'sinister' objectives
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