Saudi crown prince
Saudi Arabiaone year ago
MBS seeking to humiliate Biden as part of a global power play: Report
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is seeking to humiliate US President Joe Biden as part of a global power play.
MBS seeking to humiliate Biden as part of a global power play: Report
Saudi Arabiaone year ago
US: Biden has no plans to meet with Saudi crown prince
US President Joe Biden “has no plans” to meet with Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at next month’s Group of Twenty (G-20) summit in Indonesia, the White House has said.
US: Biden has no plans to meet with Saudi crown prince
InfoClips2 years ago
Saudi Crown Prince, 'one of the world’s most dangerous millennials'
British weekly newspaper The Economist has reported that the Saudi Crown Prince has over the past years turned into one of the “most dangerous” rulers in the world.
Saudi Crown Prince, 'one of the world’s most dangerous millennials'
Foreign Policy2 years ago
White House: Biden will meet with Saudi crown prince
A White House spokesman has said US President Joe Biden will hold bilateral talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
White House: Biden will meet with Saudi crown prince
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