IRGC Commander
Politics5 months ago
Israel under 'artificial respiration', its collapse 'very close': IRGC chief
Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami says the collapse of the Zionist regime is very close.
Israel under 'artificial respiration', its collapse 'very close': IRGC chief
Politics7 months ago
Iran FM urges US to drop language of threat, focus on political solutions
The Iranian foreign minister says Tehran's response while under threat would be “decisive and immediate.”
Iran FM urges US to drop language of threat, focus on political solutions
News Headlines8 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, on January 20, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Syria8 months ago
Syria to UN: Israeli assassination of Iranian advisor risks engulfing entire region
Syria has condemned Israel's assassination of a senior member of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), who was serving as a military advisor in Damascus.
Syria to UN: Israeli assassination of Iranian advisor risks engulfing entire region
Politics8 months ago
Iranians bid farewell to IRGC commander assassinated by Israel
Iranians have held a massive funeral ceremony for a senior IRGC military advisor who was assassinated by Israel in Syria.
Iranians bid farewell to IRGC commander assassinated by Israel
Politics9 months ago
IRGC chief says ‘bitter revenge’ awaits those behind Rask attack
IRGC commander says those behind the terrorist attack on police station in Rask will pay dearly for it.
IRGC chief says ‘bitter revenge’ awaits those behind Rask attack
Defenseone year ago
IRGC chief: Enemies scared, regularly sending messages to Iran
IRGC’s commander-in-chief says the enemy is sending messages to Tehran, pleading not to be targeted.
IRGC chief: Enemies scared, regularly sending messages to Iran
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