Politicsone year ago
Iran summons Danish, Swedish chargé d'affaires over Qur'an desecration
Iran has summoned Sweden and Denmark's chargé d'affaires in the capital Tehran in protest at the repeated desecration of Qur'an in those countries.
Iran summons Danish, Swedish chargé d'affaires over Qur'an desecration
EUone year ago
Denmark extends tighter border controls following desecration of Holy Qur'an
Denmark will maintain temporary control measures at its borders following desecration of Holy Qur'an in the country.
Denmark extends tighter border controls following desecration of Holy Qur'an
Interviewsone year ago
Muslims need to come forward to break Islamophobic trend: Analyst
Syed Mudasir Rizvi from the Assembly of Scholars of Jammu and Kashmir says acts of sacrilege against Muslims' sanctities further spread if Muslims do not take action to end them.
Muslims need to come forward to break Islamophobic trend: Analyst
InfoClipsone year ago
Muslims angry over another sacrilegious act in Sweden 
Leaders in several Muslim countries have condemned the desecration of the Holy Qur’an in Sweden.
Muslims angry over another sacrilegious act in Sweden 
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, July 12, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Reportsone year ago
Holy Qur'an desecration in Stockholm sparks global outrage, concerns over Islamophobia in West
The recent incident in Stockholm, where a man burned a copy of the holy Qur'an, has sparked outrage and condemnation from Muslims around the world.
Holy Qur'an desecration in Stockholm sparks global outrage, concerns over Islamophobia in West
Reportsone year ago
Yemenis rally to call for Islamic unity against “enemies”
People have rallied in the Yemeni capital Sana’a to condemn the latest Israeli military operation in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin and the recent desecration of the Holy book Quran.
Yemenis rally to call for Islamic unity against “enemies”
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