Israeli terrorism
Definitive Revenge5 months ago
‘Game over’: Netizens read obituary of Zionist entity after Iran's retaliation
Social media has been abuzz about the Iranian retaliatory strikes, with netizens hailing Iran for walking the talk and keeping the promise with its ‘Operation True Promise’.
‘Game over’: Netizens read obituary of Zionist entity after Iran's retaliation
Definitive Revenge5 months ago
Definitive Revenge: Iran's military gears up to make Israel regret its crimes
Definitive revenge is what Iran has vowed for the Israeli regime’s attack on its diplomatic mission in Syria and preparations are afoot to make the regime regret its crimes.
Definitive Revenge: Iran's military gears up to make Israel regret its crimes
Politics7 months ago
Iran says foiled Israeli plot to disrupt life of Iranians via gas pipeline attacks
The attacks temporarily disrupted heat and cooking gas supplies in three provinces.
Iran says foiled Israeli plot to disrupt life of Iranians via gas pipeline attacks
News Headlines8 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Pres TV's latest top stories at 17:00 GMT on December 26, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics2 years ago
Iran says security of citizens a redline, vows to retaliate against Israel
Iran says the security of its citizens is a redline, pledging that it will not let Israel's terrorist acts against Iranians go unanswered.
Iran says security of citizens a redline, vows to retaliate against Israel
Defense2 years ago
Iran reserves right to self-defense against Israeli terrorism: UN mission
Iran’s UN mission says the country considers itself rightful to defend itself against the Israeli regime’s acts of terrorism.
Iran reserves right to self-defense against Israeli terrorism: UN mission
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