News Bulletin8 months ago
Southern Thailand hit by floods, train services disrupted
Cars and houses are partially submerged on the streets after intense rainfalls caused floods in southern Thailand.
Southern Thailand hit by floods, train services disrupted
Politics9 months ago
Iran says 'mediated' release of Thai captives held in Gaza
Iran says it mediated Friday's release of 10 Thai captives held by the Palestinian resistance movements in the Gaza Strip.
Iran says 'mediated' release of Thai captives held in Gaza
News Headlines11 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, October 21, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
News Bulletin11 months ago
Hundreds converge in Bangkok to protest against Israel
Hundreds of demonstrators who supported the Palestinian cause gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Bangkok to demand a ceasefire and an end to Israeli occupation in Gaza.
Hundreds converge in Bangkok to protest against Israel
News Bulletin11 months ago
Floods hit 4,000 homes in central Thailand
Floodwaters have inundated more than 4,000 homes in central Thailand.
Floods hit 4,000 homes in central Thailand
News Bulletin11 months ago
Thai police seize 300 million baht of drugs in bust
Thai police seized over eight million dollars worth of narcotics.
Thai police seize 300 million baht of drugs in bust
Moreone year ago
Thai ex-PM Thaksin jailed for 8 years upon return from self-exile
Thailand's divisive ex-leader Thaksin Shinawatra was jailed Tuesday as he returned to the kingdom after 15 years in exile.
Thai ex-PM Thaksin jailed for 8 years upon return from self-exile
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