David Cameron
More4 months ago
Lithuania says deployment of Western army trainers in Ukraine 'quite doable'
Lithuania's foreign minister has suggested the idea of a temporary alliance among Western nations to deploy military trainers in Ukraine.
Lithuania says deployment of Western army trainers in Ukraine 'quite doable'
News Headlines4 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, April 29,2024
Press TV's news headlines
IN-DEPTH5 months ago
Iranian response to Israeli attack
Iran's response to Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was effective, demonstrating its resolve to defend itself.
Iranian response to Israeli attack
Politics5 months ago
UK, Italy call on Israel to refrain from escalating tensions in region
Britain and Italy call on Israel to refrain from any acts that will fuel tensions in West Asia.
UK, Italy call on Israel to refrain from escalating tensions in region
Definitive Revenge5 months ago
How Cameron squirmed after being grilled on Israeli terrorism against Iran
British foreign secretary David Cameron, who criticized Iranian response to Israel while adding that the UK would have done same, has been called out for blatant hypocrisy.
How Cameron squirmed after being grilled on Israeli terrorism against Iran
IN-DEPTH5 months ago
London protests: Stop arming Israel
Tens of thousands have taken to Britain’s streets in a nationwide day of action for Palestine.
London protests: Stop arming Israel
Politics5 months ago
Iran raps UK stance on Israeli strike as Cameron calls for restraint
The UK's top diplomat gets a dressing-down from his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollian over Britain's refusal to condemn Israel's recent airstrike in Damascus.
Iran raps UK stance on Israeli strike as Cameron calls for restraint
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