ahmad vahidi
Politicsone year ago
Israel assassinated IRGC advisor out of despair: Iranian minister
The Iranian interior minister said Israel has "no respect whatsoever for international principles and ethical values."
Israel assassinated IRGC advisor out of despair: Iranian minister
Politicsone year ago
Silence of international bodies fuels terrorist acts: Iran
Iran censures international organizations and so-called rights advocates for remaining silent on the deadly terrorist attack against the Shah Cheragh shrine.
Silence of international bodies fuels terrorist acts: Iran
Politicsone year ago
Closer Iran-Turkey ties to benefit region, Muslim world: Interior minister
Iran's interior minister says further expansion of Iran-Turkey relations will be beneficial to the Muslim world and the entire region.
Closer Iran-Turkey ties to benefit region, Muslim world: Interior minister
Politicsone year ago
Zahedan attack: Iran says will never give up pursuing terrorists
Iran's interior minister says the intelligence and security apparatus won't abandon pursuing terrorist groups even beyond the borders.
Zahedan attack: Iran says will never give up pursuing terrorists
Defenseone year ago
Iran says border with Afghanistan secure after deadly Taliban attack
The Iranian interior minister says tensions eased on the eastern border with Afghanistan after a deadly attack by Taliban forces.
Iran says border with Afghanistan secure after deadly Taliban attack
Politics2 years ago
Raeisi orders probe into poisoning of schoolgirls; Min. debunks media claims
Iran's President Raeisi has ordered an immediate probe into the poisoning of schoolgirls in different Iranian cities.
Raeisi orders probe into poisoning of schoolgirls; Min. debunks media claims
Economy2 years ago
Currency fluctuations followed enemy’s frustration with failure of riots: Iran govt.
Iran says the recent currency fluctuations followed the enemy’s disappointment with street riots.
Currency fluctuations followed enemy’s frustration with failure of riots: Iran govt.
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