Bandar Abbas
Featureone year ago
Explainer: Why is round-the-world cruise of Iranian flotilla significant?
In a spectacular display of naval prowess in defiance of US sanctions and threats, the two-ship Iranian flotilla comprising the Moudge-class frigate Dena and Makran forward base ship returned home to a triumphant welcome on Sunday after a round-the-globe cruise
Explainer: Why is round-the-world cruise of Iranian flotilla significant?
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, on May 21, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Defense2 years ago
Pakistani naval fleet docks in Iran’s Bandar Abbas
A Pakistani naval fleet, comprising three warships, arrives in Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf.
Pakistani naval fleet docks in Iran’s Bandar Abbas
Iran3 years ago
Bandar Khamir
We will visit Bandar Khamir in the vicinity of Bandar Abbas.
Bandar Khamir
Reports3 years ago
Bandar Abbas key port in south of Iran for transit, export
Major international corridors such as ports and rail routes are components of strategic transport infrastructure. Their development reduces costs of trade and will lead to industrial boom and economic growth.
Bandar Abbas key port in south of Iran for transit, export
Economy3 years ago
Iran launching direct shipping line to Syria’s Latakia
Iran’s cargo ships will start sailing to Syria’s Latakia in early March via a new direct shipping line.
Iran launching direct shipping line to Syria’s Latakia
Politics3 years ago
IRGC begins construction of first all-Iranian petroleum refinery
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is set to construct the first all-Iranian petroleum refinery in the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas as the elite group steps up measures to promote the country's self-sufficiency and independence.
IRGC begins construction of first all-Iranian petroleum refinery
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