Israeli cabinet
Palestine11 months ago
Massive rallies against Israeli regime's policies drag into 39th straight week
Tens of thousands rally across the occupied territories for the 39th straight week against the hard-line Israeli cabinet's policies.
Massive rallies against Israeli regime's policies drag into 39th straight week
Palestineone year ago
Israel authorizes three settler outposts in West Bank despite US warnings
The Israeli regime has authorized the construction of three more settler outposts in the occupied West Bank.
Israel authorizes three settler outposts in West Bank despite US warnings
Palestineone year ago
Thousands hold protests against Netanyahu regime for 18th straight week
Thousands of Israelis took to the streets across the occupied Palestinian territories for the 18th straight week to protest against the Netanyahu regime
Thousands hold protests against Netanyahu regime for 18th straight week
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's News Headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 01:00 GMT on January 30, 2023.
Press TV's News Headlines
Palestineone year ago
Calls grow for arrest of Israeli opposition leaders amid deepening rift
Israeli Knesset member Zvika Fogel calls for arrest of Gantz and Lapid on charges of treason amid increasing divisions.
Calls grow for arrest of Israeli opposition leaders amid deepening rift
Spotlightone year ago
Israeli crackdown on Palestinians
This episode looks at the extreme moves by the coalition cabinet of Netanyahu, and what this means for the future of Palestinians and Palestine.
Israeli crackdown on Palestinians
Palestine3 years ago
New Israeli cabinet plans to build more settlements on Palestinian land
The new Israeli cabinet has vowed to build more settlements in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem al-Quds.
New Israeli cabinet plans to build more settlements on Palestinian land
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