Majid Takht Ravanchi
Politics2 years ago
'US coercive measures undermine global development goals during pandemic'
Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations (UN) has blasted the US for the imposition of unilateral sanctions against various countries, saying the coercive measures have undermined global development goals at a time that the world is struggling to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
'US coercive measures undermine global development goals during pandemic'
Politics2 years ago
Iran urges ‘effective’ assistance to states in fighting trafficking in persons
A senior Iranian diplomat calls on the international community to provide “tailor-made, accessible and effective technical assistance to countries to combat this crime in a more efficient manner.”
Iran urges ‘effective’ assistance to states in fighting trafficking in persons
Politics2 years ago
At UNSC, Iran slams use of sanctions as ‘blind instruments’ to pressure nations
A senior Iranian diplomat slams the use of sanctions as “blunt and blind instruments” to exert pressure on world countries, saying reforms are needed to prevent the United Nations’ Security Council (UNSC) from resorting to embargos that merely punishes an entire nation but fail to contribute to international peace.
At UNSC, Iran slams use of sanctions as ‘blind instruments’ to pressure nations
Politics2 years ago
Iran: UN Security Council must force Israel to end aggression against Syria
Iran’s permanent ambassador to the UN has called on the Security Council to force the Israeli regime to put an immediate end to its acts of aggression against Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Iran: UN Security Council must force Israel to end aggression against Syria
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations says nuclear disarmament must remain a top priority for the world.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics3 years ago
Iran says ready to assist UN efforts to regulate cyberspace
Iran voices its readiness to contribute to efforts by the UN General Assembly aimed at formulating the principles required for cyberspace.
Iran says ready to assist UN efforts to regulate cyberspace
Politics3 years ago
Iran restores UN voting rights after paying dues: Envoy
A senior Iranian envoy says the country has regained its voting rights in the United Nations General Assembly.
Iran restores UN voting rights after paying dues: Envoy
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