Popular Mobilization Units
Iraq8 months ago
Iraq condemns US congressman's comments against its judiciary chief
The Iraqi Foreign Ministry condemns as “blatant interference” the latest remarks by a US congressman to call Faiq Zidan, head of the country’s Supreme Judicial Council, as a “tool of Iranian influence” in Iraq.
Iraq condemns US congressman's comments against its judiciary chief
Iraq11 months ago
Iraqi resistance strikes ‘vital’ target in Eilat after Israel attacks PMU base
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq retaliates against an attack on a Hashd al-Sha’abi base with a drone strike against a “vital” target in the southernmost part of the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories.
Iraqi resistance strikes ‘vital’ target in Eilat after Israel attacks PMU base
Iraqone year ago
Iraq’s resistance groups slam US airstrikes as ‘violation of sovereignty’
The attacks targeted the official security headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in the town of Qa’im.
Iraq’s resistance groups slam US airstrikes as ‘violation of sovereignty’
Iraqone year ago
Iraq wants ‘quick’ withdrawal of US forces: PM
The Iraqi premier says Washington’s military actions in the Arab country are destabilizing.
Iraq wants ‘quick’ withdrawal of US forces: PM
Politicsone year ago
Iran, Iraq hold joint parade in homage to Gen. Soleimani, Muhandis
The event was held under the auspices of the Third Naval Region of the IRGC Navy and the PMU central command.
Iran, Iraq hold joint parade in homage to Gen. Soleimani, Muhandis
Defenseone year ago
IRGC adds Abu Mahdi Muhandis warship, 100 fast-attack crafts to naval fleet
The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has received a radar-evading warship, and 100 fast-attack crafts equipped with a range of missiles.
IRGC adds Abu Mahdi Muhandis warship, 100 fast-attack crafts to naval fleet
Politicsone year ago
Top Iraqi MP: Iranians made heroic sacrifices in fight against Daesh
A senior Iraqi lawmaker says Iranians made tremendous sacrifices in the fight against Daesh Takfiri terrorists, and top anti-terror commander General Soleimani played a leading role in this regard.
Top Iraqi MP: Iranians made heroic sacrifices in fight against Daesh
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