foreign forces
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on September 14, 2021.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics3 years ago
Iran’s Raeisi: Foreign forces must end illegal presence on Syrian soil
Iran’s President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi hails Syria’s “heroic” resistance against a decade-long terror campaign, urging a swift withdrawal of foreign troops occupying the Arab country.
Iran’s Raeisi: Foreign forces must end illegal presence on Syrian soil
Afghanistan3 years ago
US trying to take root in Central Asia after Afghanistan fiasco: Russia
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says the United States is seeking to take root in Central Asia following its withdrawal from Afghanistan, where it has faced a complete failure.
US trying to take root in Central Asia after Afghanistan fiasco: Russia
China3 years ago
Xi vows China will never be bullied as country marks party centenary
China’s President Xi Jinping says his country will no longer allow any foreign forces to bully and oppress it, warning that anyone who tries to do so will “be badly battered by the Chinese nation’s perseverance.”
Xi vows China will never be bullied as country marks party centenary
Politics3 years ago
Iran’s UN envoy warns against illegal presence of foreign forces in Syria
Iran’s envoy to the UN has warned against the illegal presence of some foreign forces in Syria, stressing on a political solution to the Syrian crisis.
Iran’s UN envoy warns against illegal presence of foreign forces in Syria
North Africa3 years ago
Second conference on Libya calls for pullout of all foreign forces, fighters
Libya’s transitional government and foreign powers call for the phased pullout of all foreign forces from Libya and a commitment to holding elections during a second conference on the North African country held in Berlin.
Second conference on Libya calls for pullout of all foreign forces, fighters
China3 years ago
Hong Kong police arrest 5 over 'suspected foreign collusion'
Police in Hong Kong have reportedly arrested five executives of Apple Daily newspaper over suspected collusion with foreign forces.
Hong Kong police arrest 5 over 'suspected foreign collusion'
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