UN resolution
News Headlines9 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, on December 23, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics10 months ago
Israel’s Western backers ‘in no position’ to preach about human rights: Iran
Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has censured certain Western countries for drafting and voting for an anti-Iran UN resolution.
Israel’s Western backers ‘in no position’ to preach about human rights: Iran
Palestine11 months ago
Hamas condemns votes cast against draft UNSC resolution on Gaza
Hamas says countries who voted against the UNSC resolution calling for ceasefire gave a green light for more Israeli crimes in Gaza.
Hamas condemns votes cast against draft UNSC resolution on Gaza
Palestineone year ago
Arab Parliament urges intl. community to end silence on Israeli atrocities
The Arab Parliament calls on the international community to end its silence on persisting Israeli atrocities against Palestinians across occupied territories.
Arab Parliament urges intl. community to end silence on Israeli atrocities
Reportsone year ago
Taliban dismiss UN resolution on Afghan women
The ruling Taliban in Afghanistan have dismissed a UN resolution that condemned their decision to bar Afghan women from working for the United Nations.
Taliban dismiss UN resolution on Afghan women
Politicsone year ago
UNHRC resolution a ‘mockery’ to impose US’s will on Iran: Analyst
A political analyst says the recent UNHRC resolution against Iran is a “mockery” which aims to impose US’s will on Iran.
UNHRC resolution a ‘mockery’ to impose US’s will on Iran: Analyst
Russiaone year ago
Russia warns West against 'plundering' its frozen assets over Ukraine
Russia says it will do “everything possible” to stop the West from seizing its frozen international reserves over the war in Ukraine.
Russia warns West against 'plundering' its frozen assets over Ukraine
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