News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, September 23 , 2022
Press TV's news headlines
More2 years ago
Chileans resoundingly reject overhaul of dictatorship-era constitution
Chileans have resoundingly rejected a proposed new constitution, which would have replaced a charter dating back to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet almost 41 years ago.
Chileans resoundingly reject overhaul of dictatorship-era constitution
EU2 years ago
Denmark votes overwhelmingly to join EU’s common defense policy
An overwhelming majority of Danes have voted in favor of joining the EU’s common defense policy, as Russia’s offensive against Ukraine continues to reshape Europe’s security landscape.
Denmark votes overwhelmingly to join EU’s common defense policy
Politics3 years ago
Plaid Cymru leader links Welsh independence details to election result
The leader of Wales' pro-independence party has pledged to set up a Commission to work out the technical details of Welsh independence.
Plaid Cymru leader links Welsh independence details to election result
Military3 years ago
Debate on fate of nuclear weapons in Scotland heats up
An online exchange between an SNP MP and a former British security official has effectively started the debate on the fate of the UK's Scotland-based nuclear weapons capability.
Debate on fate of nuclear weapons in Scotland heats up
Politics3 years ago
Alex Salmond ups the ante on Scottish independence
Alex Salmond had ratcheted up the pressure on London by insisting on opening talks on Scottish independence immediately after the Holyrood election in May.
Alex Salmond ups the ante on Scottish independence
Politics3 years ago
Plaid Cymru leader: Welsh independence movement catching up with Scotland
The leader of the Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru has stepped up efforts to bring Welsh independence center stage in British politics.
Plaid Cymru leader: Welsh independence movement catching up with Scotland
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