News Bulletin6 months ago
Farmers in Madrid protest against excessive red tape, insufficient state aid
Farmers protest in Madrid to demand action from policymakers on an array of pressures they say the sector is under.
Farmers in Madrid protest against excessive red tape, insufficient state aid
News Bulletin6 months ago
Farmers set fire to tires, protest on sidelines of EU agriculture ministers meeting
Protesting farmers set fire to tires and blocked roads with their tractors on the sidelines of a meeting of European agriculture ministers in Brussels.
Farmers set fire to tires, protest on sidelines of EU agriculture ministers meeting
News Bulletin7 months ago
Discontented Greek beekeepers stack hives in front of parliament
Greek beekeepers stacked empty beehives in front of the country's parliament.
Discontented Greek beekeepers stack hives in front of parliament
News Headlines7 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's news headlines at 10:00 GMT, February 21, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Reports7 months ago
Indian farmers demand guaranteed prices for agricultural produce
Tens of thousands of Indian farmers are camping on the borders of New Delhi demanding legal guarantees of a minimum support price for their crops.
Indian farmers demand guaranteed prices for agricultural produce
EU7 months ago
Italian farmers protesting against EU policies drive tractors into Rome
They have asked to hold a meeting with Prime Minsiter Giorgia Meloni and Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida.
Italian farmers protesting against EU policies drive tractors into Rome
EU7 months ago
Farmers on tractors bring Spain to a standstill
Thousands of protesting farmers used tractors to block roads across Spain, causing chaos for the third straight day amid Europe-wide protests against heavy regulations cheaper imports, and soaring costs.
Farmers on tractors bring Spain to a standstill
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