Lebanon4 months ago
UNESCO to consider 'enhanced protection' of heritage sites in Lebanon
The UN cultural agency, UNESCO, says it is going to consider "enhanced protection" for Lebanon's world heritage cultural sites threatened by Israeli attacks.
UNESCO to consider 'enhanced protection' of heritage sites in Lebanon
Economy8 months ago
Iran’s Hegmataneh inscribed on World Heritage List
UNESCO inscribes Iran’s historic city of Hegmataneh on its World Heritage List.
Iran’s Hegmataneh inscribed on World Heritage List
Politics10 months ago
Iran condemns terrorist attack on foreign tourists in Afghanistan
Iran strongly condemns the terrorist attack on a group of foreign tourists at a market in Afghanistan’s central province of Bamiyan, where at least six people were killed.
Iran condemns terrorist attack on foreign tourists in Afghanistan
Palestine10 months ago
World Press Freedom Day: Palestinian journos win UNESCO prize
The UN cultural agency awards its world press freedom prize to all Palestinian journalists covering Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip.
World Press Freedom Day: Palestinian journos win UNESCO prize
Cultureone year ago
Two Iranian rituals, one artistic technique inscribed on UN heritage list
The UN cultural agency inscribes Sadeh and Eftari rituals and the Tazhib art on its list of intangible heritage.
Two Iranian rituals, one artistic technique inscribed on UN heritage list
Palestineone year ago
Israel cries foul after UNESCO lists Ariha ruins in Palestine
Israel cries foul after a UN conference votes to list the ruins near the ancient West Bank city of Ariha as a “World Heritage Site in Palestine”.
Israel cries foul after UNESCO lists Ariha ruins in Palestine
Cultureone year ago
UNESCO adds Iran’s historical caravanserais to its world heritage list
UNESCO has decided to add Iran’s historical caravanserais to its list of world heritage sites.
UNESCO adds Iran’s historical caravanserais to its world heritage list
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