Society4 years ago
Jacob Blake from hospital bed: Your life can be taken in an instant
Jacob Blake delivers a powerful message to his supporters from his hospital bed, warning people protesting on the streets that their lives could change in an instant.
Jacob Blake from hospital bed: Your life can be taken in an instant
Human Rights4 years ago
Do Black people get shot to win elections for Democrats?
That headline asks a surprising question, yet it’s one which was repeatedly expressed by African-Americans in Kenosha.
Do Black people get shot to win elections for Democrats?
Reports4 years ago
Multiple Kenosha shootings show gov’t can’t provide security
Repeated incidents of deadly violence in the American city has many saying that the US is incapable of providing its citizens the most basic service of physical security.
Multiple Kenosha shootings show gov’t can’t provide security
On The News Line4 years ago
US unrest
The city of Kenosha is reeling from the police shooting of Jacob Blake, another African American gunned down by a White Police officer, and the deadly violence that followed
US unrest
Trending4 years ago
Kenosha unrest
This program reviews widely trended news around the world.
Kenosha unrest
Politics4 years ago
US police kill black man in Washington amid rage over cop violence
US police kill a black man in the capital Washington DC in the latest of a sting of police killings of black men and women that have sparked nationwide anger.
US police kill black man in Washington amid rage over cop violence
Reports4 years ago
Kenosha victim’s family gives poor marks to all US politicians
Ending police brutality is the primary demand of the incredibly popular ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.
Kenosha victim’s family gives poor marks to all US politicians
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