Military25 days ago
Two-thirds of US-supplied tanks to Ukraine lost in war: Report
Ukraine has lost two-thirds of its Abrams M1 main battle tanks, supplied by the United States within six months, according to a military magazine.
Two-thirds of US-supplied tanks to Ukraine lost in war: Report
News Headlines28 days ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 17:00 GMT on August 22, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Russia28 days ago
Russian troops take another village in Ukraine’s Donetsk region: Military
The Russian army says its troops have captured another village in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region.
Russian troops take another village in Ukraine’s Donetsk region: Military
Russiaone month ago
Ukraine strikes 3rd bridge over Seym river in Kursk: Russia
Russia says Ukrainian forces hit 3rd bridge over the Seym river in Kursk region.
Ukraine strikes 3rd bridge over Seym river in Kursk: Russia
Russiaone month ago
Russian troops capture village in Donetsk: Report
Russian forces take control of the village of Svyrydonivka in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region.
Russian troops capture village in Donetsk: Report
Russiaone month ago
Moscow warns ‘Neo-Nazi Kiev regime’ poses threat to all of Europe
Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warns that by planning to attack nuclear facilities the “Kiev regime” poses a threat to all of Europe.
 Moscow warns ‘Neo-Nazi Kiev regime’ poses threat to all of Europe
Russiaone month ago
Ukraine planning to attack Russia's Kursk nuclear plant: Moscow
Russia warns that such an attack would contaminate a large surrounding area.
Ukraine planning to attack Russia's Kursk nuclear plant: Moscow
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