Politics11 months ago
Every drop of Palestinian blood brings Israel closer to downfall: Raeisi
Iranian President Raeisi says the Israeli regime is only accelerating its demise by killing innocent Palestinian women and children in besieged Gaza.
Every drop of Palestinian blood brings Israel closer to downfall: Raeisi
Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces kill Palestinian man in West Bank raid
Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian man during a raid on the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian man in West Bank raid
Reportsone year ago
56 years of Palestinian Naksa
June 5th marks Naksa Day
56 years of Palestinian Naksa
News Headlines2 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Iran’s lead negotiator in the upcoming P4+1 talks in Vienna has met with officials from the European signatories to the 2015 Nuclear Deal.
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine3 years ago
Seven Israeli officers injured in car-ramming attack in Sheikh Jarrah
Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian in Sheikh Jarrah after a car-ramming attack in the flashpoint Jerusalem al-Quds neighborhood.
Seven Israeli officers injured in car-ramming attack in Sheikh Jarrah
Spotlight3 years ago
Israel apartheid crimes
This episode looks at Israel’s crimes against Palestinians that according to many activists and international bodies like Human Rights Watch amount to apartheid.
Israel apartheid crimes
Reports3 years ago
Palestinians hold sit-in in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails
Palestinian factions in the Gaza strip held a press conference that comes as part of a series of events to mark the Palestinian prisoner’s day.
Palestinians hold sit-in in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails
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