Iranone month ago
From Oakland to Tehran - Part I
During a visit to Iran, US activist Abbas Muntaqim retraces the steps of the 1979 revolution and the US embassy takeover. Through powerful conversations, he unearths the complex history shaping US-Iran relations, exploring the legacy of colonialism, Imam Khomeini's influence, and Iran's enduring quest for independence.
From Oakland to Tehran - Part I
Sobhone month ago
From sports to cultural activism
Throughout history, there have been men and women who have devoted their lives to paving the way for their communities' liberation from the clutches of colonialism and imperialism.
From sports to cultural activism
Moreone month ago
Indigenous rights activists rally on Australia Day to protest British colonization legacy
Tens of thousands of Australians protested over the treatment of Indigenous people on Australia Day, the anniversary of British colonization of the country.
Indigenous rights activists rally on Australia Day to protest British colonization legacy
Sobh4 months ago
Documenting the Truth about Haiti with Kim Ives
Haiti, with a population of about 11.5 million was the victim of colonialism, whose dark legacy can still be felt across the country.
Documenting the Truth about Haiti with Kim Ives
Imperialism10 months ago
Freedom Days: Vietnam
This episode relates the history of Vietnam when the nation was under the yoke of the French colonialism and later when it was invaded by the Americans under the pretext of fighting communism.
Freedom Days: Vietnam
More11 months ago
Portugal rejects paying reparations for colonial-era atrocities
Portugal's government rejects paying compensation for its colonial-era slavery legacy.
Portugal rejects paying reparations for colonial-era atrocities
Broadcast the webone year ago
The 100 year war on Palestine 2
All too often, the question of Palestine is framed as an eternal conflict arising from ancient ethnic or religious hatreds.
The 100 year war on Palestine 2
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