Iraq24 days ago
Iraqi resistance groups agree to resume operations against American forces
Iraqi anti-terror resistance groups have reached an agreement to resume military operations against the bases accommodating the forces, according to a report.
Iraqi resistance groups agree to resume operations against American forces
Spotlightone month ago
Tel Aviv bombing
As Palestinian fatalities surpass 40,100 in Gaza, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have vowed to increase their anti-Israel operations inside of the occupied territories.
Tel Aviv bombing
News Headlines2 months ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on July 16,2024.
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Palestine2 months ago
‘Trio of Evil’ targeted: Yemen unleashes attacks on Israel, US, UK ships
Yemen’s Armed Forces stage four operations against vessels belonging to the Israeli regime, the United States, and the UK, identified as the “Trio of Evil.”
‘Trio of Evil’ targeted: Yemen unleashes attacks on Israel, US, UK ships
Reports2 months ago
Yemeni forces launch new operations against multiple vessels
Yemeni forces have launched new operations targeting vessels for violating a ban on entering Israeli ports in occupied Palestine.
Yemeni forces launch new operations against multiple vessels
Reports3 months ago
Yemeni army conducts new anti-Israel operations
In retaliation for the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out several new operations.
Yemeni army conducts new anti-Israel operations
News Headlines3 months ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT, 2024.
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