Palestine10 months ago
Brazil’s Sao Leopoldo reopens ‘Palestine Square’
The square was first built in the 1990s in honor of the Palestinian diaspora who traditionally live in the neighborhood.
Brazil’s Sao Leopoldo reopens ‘Palestine Square’
Black and whiteone year ago
Brazil & world geopolitics
During the four years of Jair Bolsonaro's government, Brazil virtually disappeared from the debate on major global issues.
Brazil & world geopolitics
News Bulletinone year ago
Destroyed buildings after cyclone kills at least 36 in southern Brazil
 The death toll from a cyclone that unleashed torrential rain and flooding on southern Brazil rose to at least 36
Destroyed buildings after cyclone kills at least 36 in southern Brazil
Foreign Policyone year ago
Brazil's Lula wants to discuss changes to UN Security Council with Biden
Brazil's leader plans to discuss changes to the UN Security Council with his US counterpart.
 Brazil's Lula wants to discuss changes to UN Security Council with Biden
Brazilone year ago
Indigenous people march in Belem as the Amazon Summit kicks off
Indigenous people took to the streets of Belem, in Brazil to protest , as leaders of eight Amazonian countries met on the first day of the Amazon Summit on Tuesday, August 8.
Indigenous people march in Belem as the Amazon Summit kicks off
Black and whiteone year ago
Iranian President in Latin America
Iran has been expanding, developing its political, economic, cultural, and scientific ties in Asia and Africa, and also in Latin America.
Iranian President in Latin America
Brazilone year ago
Brazil’s Lula calls for instituting common S American currency
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva calls for instituting a regional trade currency during a meeting with South American heads of state.
Brazil’s Lula calls for instituting common S American currency
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