Prophet Muhammad
News Headlines11 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 18:00 GMT on October 3, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics11 months ago
Raeisi: Iran censures 'hateful, spiteful' moves against Islam, Holy Qur'an
Iran's President Raeisi strongly condemns hateful moves against Islam.
Raeisi: Iran censures 'hateful, spiteful' moves against Islam, Holy Qur'an
Politics11 months ago
Iran's Leader pardons, commutes sentences of over 2,000 convicts
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei agreed to pardon or commute the sentences of 2,000 Iranian prisoners.
Iran's Leader pardons, commutes sentences of over 2,000 convicts
Reports11 months ago
People in Pakistan observe Islamic Unity Week
People in Pakistan are celebrating the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad, using the occasion to mark the Islamic Unity Week.
People in Pakistan observe Islamic Unity Week
Reports11 months ago
Pakistanis celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s birthday amid violence
Two religious gatherings were targeted with bomb attacks in southern and northwestern provinces in Pakistan as people celebrated the birth anniversary of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
Pakistanis celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s birthday amid violence
Reports11 months ago
Yemenis mark birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad
Yemenis have taken to the streets to mark the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad.
Yemenis mark birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad
Yemen11 months ago
Houthi: Yemen will use all legal means to end Saudi-led aggression
Houthi says the Sana’a-based government will employ all available legal means to end aggression, blockade and occupation of Yemen.
Houthi: Yemen will use all legal means to end Saudi-led aggression
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